My question is similar to that answered by Dr. Marsh in March on premenstrual bleeding…
Please help: I’m at the end of my wits! I’m a physician myself and the fact that I can’t get any answers is even more frustrating! Â Here is the story…
Prior to 6 yrs ago my menses were 7 days. Since then my monthly bleeding became longer and longer and now are 14 days. Initially I thought this was all menses. As I am trying to conceive I found that the bleeding starts 7-9 days after ovulation (ovulation kit). Subsequent workup included day 21 progesterone, which was 15. Â Day 21 biopsy (occurring on the day of onset of bleeding) was c/w dates. Because of the biopsy I know that the first week of my bleeding is really during secretory phase. Now I learned to also notice changes in dysmenorrhea so I can get when the actual menses starts. Additional w/u included 3 or 4 sonos (incl saline enhanced) – all neg for polips or other anatomic abnormalities. HSG (part of my infertility w/u) was normal. Prolactin, TFTs, LH, FSH, estrodiol are all nl. Of note OCP never fixed the problem and progesterone started day 10 just brought on the bleeding for the rest of the cycle.
What is the diagnosis? What do I do next? How can implantation occur if I’m bleeding: i.e is clomid worthwhile? I want to conceive, but it this doesn’t happen I want at least for the bleeding to stop. I can’t tolerate 14 of 28 days of bleeding!!!