I’m 20 years old and during my last period me and my boyfriend had sex. I just want to know if it’s possible for me to be pregnant? I am 4 days late, which I never am. I also want to know when is the best time to fall pregnant and if it is possible to fall pregnant just before, during or after your period?Thank you.
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When in your cycle can you get pregnant?
Last Updated: July 22, 2013
By making observations as described by the Billings Ovulation Method (BOM) a woman will be able to identify in her cycle a menstruation, a basic infertile pattern (BIP), a fertile phase ending in ovulation followed by a luteal phase (about 2 weeks), and menstruation again. Cycles may vary in length for some women but even if a woman is very regular a change in cycle length may occur in response to stress or a lifestyle change. The pre-ovulatory infertile phase (BIP) will be longer than a few days in a long cycle. In a short cycle the pre-ovulatory phase may be so short that the fertile phase and ovulation will occur during menstruation. This being the case conception is possible during the period. It takes proper observations to determine which phase a woman is experiencing at any given time. During the fertile phase the cervical mucus present prolongs the life of sperm cells and gives a definite slippery sensation. In the protection of good quality cervical mucus spermatozoa await ovulation. The last day of the slippery sensation is the Peak (of fertility) and ovulation occurs then or 1 to 2 days after. From the fourth day past Peak a woman is infertile again until menstruation begins the next cycle.
It is of great comfort for a couple when the woman recognizes her infertile and fertile days for planning their family. I urge you to learn to make these observations in order to manage your fertility. It is less stressful. The BOM is easy to learn, safe to your health, and 99% effective for postponing pregnancy!
Angie Frausto
It is of great comfort for a couple when the woman recognizes her infertile and fertile days for planning their family. I urge you to learn to make these observations in order to manage your fertility. It is less stressful. The BOM is easy to learn, safe to your health, and 99% effective for postponing pregnancy!
Angie Frausto
Answered By:

Angie Frausto
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