Dear Lisa,
My first concern would be your ten year use of the pill. Also you didn’t mention your age. A woman may be temporarily (or even permanently) anovulatory after stopping the pill. Persistent post-pill anovulation can be a cause of infertility. If it persists longer than six months after cessation of the pill, the woman should be referred to her physician. Using Natural Family Planning could assist you in identifying your pre-ovulatory and post-ovulatory phases and biological signs of fertility. Tracking your menstral cycles should be helpful in identifying any problems. In addition, a complete fertility workup for both you and your husband would be recommended. If you would like to learn how to use NFP, please check the website for the closest NFP teacher. Clear Blue is mentioned on CANFP: “Can Ovulation Predictor Kits Help Determine Post Ovulatory Infertility?”
I sincerely hope this information will be helpful and best of luck in achieving that desired pregnancy.
Winnie Neill