Our path to NaPro was long and winding. We experienced two heartbreaking miscarriages in the early years of our marriage followed by seven years of infertility. Discouragement had definitely set in when dear friends referred us to Dr. Amie Holmes. She performed laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis and ovarian cysts, then helped us with the medications, supplements, and diet changes that my body needed. Three months later we found out that we were pregnant! We will forever be thankful for God leading us to Dr. Holmes and NaProTechnology which brought us our miracle baby!
Home » Long and Winding Road to Parenthood
Long and Winding Road to Parenthood
About The Author
Julia and Jonathan Keller
Julia and Jonathan Keller live in central California where they are active in pro-life and pro-family work. They enjoy spending time with friends, family, and their newborn son, Hudson.
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