Parish Services
CANFP supports Faith Communities in sharing the good news of NFP! We offer the following services to all churches:
Referral to NFP Professionals
Consultation and advice to assist you in building your NFP program and team
Resources for your Parish (Brochures, CDs. DVDs, Prayer Cards, etc)
Support and Information
Parish Visit—providing series of presentations and NFP instruction onsite at your parish—see parish visit below!
Parish Visit
Heighten appreciation in YOUR PARISH of NFP as a tool for living God’s Design for Love & Life! CANFP offers a Parish NFP Week—or Day(s)! We visit your parish, and collaborate with you to provide services tailored to the needs of your community—or select from the menu of choices below!
- Brief 3-5 minute talk at end of each Mass, with staffed resource table
- Parish Wide Presentations open to all
- In-Services for Leadership
- Presentation to area clergy
- Staff In-Service (office staff, catechetical/ministry leaders, teachers, pastoral council, etc)
- Presentations at local high school/colleges
- “Celebrating Family” potluck or picnic, supporting and building community among NFP couple
- Presentation to local physicians/clinicians (CMA, or invitation to healthcare professionals in parish)
- Beginning Class on NFP (local teacher/method—and/or CANFP can provide Intro to Creighton Model
- Targeted Presentations to Specific Audiences such as Youth Group, RCIA, Engaged Couples, Marriage Enrichment, Organizations such as K of C, CDA, etc., Adult Faith Formation, Young Adult group, College Students/Newman Clubs, Parents of Parish School/Parish Catechesis, Infertility/Pregnancy Loss Support Group, Respect Life Group, New Mom’s Group, Men’s Group, Infertility/Pregnancy Loss Support Group, NFP Teachers or Users
“The Church’s teaching on marital sexuality is an invitation for men and women—-an invitation to let God be God, to receive the gift of God’s love and care, and to let this gift inform and transform us, so we may share that love with each other and with the world”. -USCCB Married Love & the Gift of Life
Embrace God’s Design for Love and Life
A Pastor Shares His Experience of CANFP Parish Visit

Success Strategies
- Schedule speaker for existing meeting: Make this the topic of regularly scheduled clergy deanery meeting, quarterly training for staff, weekly meeting of youth, etc, in addition to offering a special parish wide event
- Inform/Invite neighboring parishes
- Collaborate with other parishes within the region to share the speaker & expenses (eg: speaking/providing resource table at parish masses in one parish one weekend, another the next, and weekday presentations at both in the intervening days).
- Preaching by priest at Mass on topic
- Promote via bulletin, announcements, and social media for weeks or a month prior
- Plan a dinner or picnic to support the NFP couples in the parish, with a presentation and fellowship (to affirm, and invite active participation in parish ministries, CANFP, or as NFP teacher/advocate, etc).
Request Parish NFP Week Handout from CANFP for more info!
Bulletin Blurbs
Consider a CANFP Parish Membership
When you sign up for our parish membership, you have full access to all of our free services above, as well as access to Parish Member Only sections of this website, subscribe to receive monthly emails with bulletin announcements and prayers of the faithful coordinated with readings, receive up to four mailed copies of CANFP NEWS quarterly for pastor and staff, qualify for discounts at CANFP conferences, and on parish visit. New Parish Members receive a welcome packet which includes 50 brochures for your parish and a free CD
Intercessory Prayers
Downloadable Flyers
Visit our NFP Store for additional resources
Unique resources available only through CANFP! Personal enrichment for those using NFP, and outreach tools to introduce NFP to your community. Order print copies, or purchase digital downloads to share. Visit our store to view special editions and favorite quarterly editions of our CANFP NEWS, brochures, books, booklets and prayer cards, many in both English and Spanish. Quantity discounts provided, on mix and match titles.