Touring the All New

Fall 2023

We are thrilled to announce a new resource for California


What is NFP for those just beginning to explore

Expanded Store with digital download and mix and match options

CANFP Community Forum: where members meet and share all things NFP

California Event Calendar

Video Library


Treasure Trove of Articles by well known experts, as well as shared personal experience

Directory of California NFP Experts with expanded info provided by each Professional

1,000 Ask the Expert Q&A


Professional Members: Manage your own directory profile

ALL MEMBERS: Manage your own membership/donations/send gift memberships


Latest Announcements from CANFP

Thank you to our 2023 Supporters!

$5 050 Supporter Shahera amp Dylan St John nbsp $2 100 $3 000 Supporters Mark Schuberg Fr Blaise Berg Ann

To Expand Our Impact, We Must Expand Our Team!

To expand our impact 8212 we must expand our team We welcome your active participation in CANFP Perhaps an area

CANFP at West Coast Walk for Life 2024

Diocese of Stockton Hosts Series of NFP Presentations

Learn the Science Appreciate the Gift 8212 Live Joyfully and Responsibly A Series of Talks by CANFP on Natural Family

Growing Our Team! Introducing New Members of the CANFP Executive Board

Joining the Board in Fall 2023 nbsp Robert Chasuk MD Monterey Region I joined the Board of CANFP in hopes

Thank you to retiring Board Member: Edie Sickman

Edie recalls first learning of CANFP while serving a lay counselor at the Sacramento Life Center CANFP was invaluable with

Set Up Your CANFP Member Account!

Calling all Current CANFP Members and Inviting NEW MEMBERS Set up your online CANFP Account Today 1 Go to Become

Officers of CANFP Executive Board Welcome New Board Members at Fall 2023 Meeting

The Officers of the Executive Board Welcome New Directors at Our Fall 2203 Meeting Fr Blaise Berg STD President Sheila

How to Get Involved

There are many ways to GET INVOLVED in CANFP Contact us to learn more about the opportunities below or bring

San Francisco Seminarian Program 2023

Feedback highlights from the seminarians of the Archdiocese of San Francisco following the July 2023 three day seminar provided by

CANFP Returns to LA Religious Ed Congress

It was rewarding to return to the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress to share NFP resources after a two year

Thank you to our 2022 Members/Supporters!

2022 Supporters Members of CANFP

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This is not a membership, this is an account for our CANFP website. If you decide you would like to sign up for one of our memberships later, you can do so with or without this account.

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CANFP conducts varied outreach programs to the community at large, in addition to serving our members (NFP users, teachers, and advocates).

CANFP provides education programs tailored to the audience, not only on Natural Family Planning, but on the wide variety of topics related to it.

Programs can be continuing education for NFP Professionals, introductory information for a lay audience of youth or adults new to the topic, or specifically tailored to the interests of a professional audience, such as educators, physicians, or clergy. Content is faith based or secular, whichever is suitable for situation.

CANFP offers a variety of resources for those just discovering Natural Family Planning, as well as to meet the varied needs of our CANFP Members. Most resources are available to any visitors to our site. Some resources do ask you to register as a site user in order to access them, others are available only to CANFP Members.

CANFP statewide conferences, regional events offered in collaboration with local partners, events featuring CANFP speakers, or exhbit, as well as other events throughout the state of interest to our NFP community.  Come meet one of our experts at one of these events or book a speaker for your own upcoming event.

CANFP depends on the gifts, talents, and generosity of our members and supporters. The success of our mission depends on the collaboration of our members. Please consider contributing your time treasure and talent through CANFP to share the good news of NFP with the world! Both volunteer and contracted positions available.

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