I am a 22 year old female. I got pregnant when I was 17 and gave birth at 18 and always had normal periods until my son turned six months old. Then I started bleeding between periods. Every single month I would bleed three weeks and one week I would not bleed. The doctor never did anything but asked if I wanted birth control. I said “No.” When I was 20 I got pregnant and miscarried at eight weeks. The baby had a heart beat but grew really slow. Then when I was 21 I had horrible insomnia. I could go three weeks without sleep. The doctor gave me an ultrasound and saw that I had cysts all over my ovaries that were one to two inches and the lining of my uterus was 17 mm thick. The doctor just wanted to put me on birth control. I said “No.” I went to a different doctor for my insomnia he said my progesterone was low and testosterone was a little high so he gave me 75 gm of progesterone a day. He said I should be talking 100 mg a day but said he didn’t want to give me that much because he didn’t want my body to get dependent on it. When I started the 75 mg a day my periods were finally normal after four years of non-stop bleeding, and the lining of my uterus was normal and the cysts were gone but did leave craters on my ovaries. I could finally sleep!
Now at almost 23 years old I am four weeks pregnant and I am so afraid of miscarrying again. I am seeing a different doctor and she is giving me 25 mg suppositories and told me to stop my hormone. I’ve been on the 25 mg for four days now and all my pregnancy symptoms have disappeared. Since I stopped my 75 mg progesterone I’ve only had one blood test to see the hcg level which was 60 and I was four weeks. I really feel like I’m going to lose the baby because the doctor will not give me stronger progesterone.
Any suggestions???????