I am 35, and at age 34 had a healthy baby girl. However- when I got pregnant with her, I kept spotting for a few weeks. My doctor put me on prometrium until week 14 because when she tested my progesterone at week five, I was at a seven. After one week of Prometrium, I went up to a 40.
I have been tracking cycles again to have another baby, but I do not make Cervical mucus (at all) and I have never had a positive LH Surge show up on a OPK. I used the bbt method this time and on Friday noticed a dip in temp of almost a full degree!(day 14) That night was our night to TTC. The next day I took prometrium and was still continuing tracking BBT and OPK. After taking the Prometrium, all of a sudden(for the very first time in months of tracking) an LH surge showed up yesterday morning. I am assuming the Prometrium has something to do with it because I had never been on it before the first pregnancy and never had an LH surge (though I still got pregnant.) So— my question: what is more believable, the dip in temp on the bbt, or the LH surge (day 16 of a 30 day cycle). Can Prometrium give a false LH surge presence?