Dear Jan,
If a woman is under stress she may have a longer cycle than usual but in your case it is difficult to know. The bleeding you had July 7-11 may have not been a menstrual period but implantation due to a pregnancy. Things seem to be back to normal though if you had another period August 5-8. Without a pregnancy test, it is hard to say if you are pregnant now but I would think not if you had a normal menstruation in August.
Every fertile woman’s cycle is a little different, so the best way to know how many days are fertile in a cycle and which days they are is to learn to chart your cycle from a Natural Family Planning instructor. There are many teachers listed on our website. After learning to do this she can easily pick out the days she is fertile and the days when she is infertile. Another advantage of keeping a daily record is coming to appreciate the wonderful way our bodies are made and then keeping them healthy.
Learning how your cycle works is very enlightening and you will be able to see how your body goes through changes each cycle as well as when under stress.
Good Luck,
Vicki Delucchi, CFCP