I am 12 wks. pregnant and since week seven I’ve been having vaginal spotting. My OB finally found that I have a cervical polyp. This past weekend I went back to the ER because I had really heavy bleeding. The ER doctor and OB on call both thought that I was miscarrying, but the next day, my OB again said that it was the polyp, that my cervix is closed and that the baby is safe. In the literature I’ve read on cervical polyps during pregnancy, it says that women will have light bleeding during the pregnancy, but not the massive bleeding (about 10 oz.)that I had last Sunday. It also suggests that the polyp might grow large enough to protrude through the vulva and inevitably have to be surgically removed during pregnancy to avoid preterm labor or complications.
My questions are the following:
Can the polyp blow up like a balloon with blood then release it? Did the blood come from my cervix? How safe is the surgery to remove the polyp and is there an alternative? Thank you.