I took 3 pregnancy tests, all were negative. Then I had a blood test done, it too was negative. My period is one week and three days late. I had a pap done yesterday, and the Dr. told me my uterus was soft, which could mean my period is coming or early sign of pregnancy. Now I’m confused. I feel crampy a little. I have never missed a period since I ever had one unless I was pregnant. Could my test be a false negative, or is my body playing tricks on me?
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Three negative pregnancy tests, negative blood test
Last Updated: July 1, 2013
Thank you for your question. You state that you have had three pregnancy test done and a blood test and all are negative. I am not clear in your question if you monitor your signs of fertility, and know how many days you are from observing those signs. Your period may be late for different reasons. You may have ovulated later in this cycle causing you to have a longer cycle. Are you under any unusual stress? This may delay you cycle. Or you may be pregnant and the tests were done too soon. I would encourage you if you do not get a menses to repeat your pregnancy test by a blood test, so you can get into prenatal care and take prenatal vitamins. Also contact a FertilityCare teacher in your area so you can learn to monitor your cycles and understand your signs of fertility and infertility. Good luck to you.
Theresa Mitchell
Theresa Mitchell
Answered By:

Theresa Mitchell, RN
Theresa Mitchell, RN, taught the Creighton Model FertilityCare System in the Oakland region.
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