I was suppposed to go for my needle Nuristerate on the 17 of July, but did not go. I have been having unprotected sex since then. Could I fall pregnant in this stage, and how long does Nuristerate stay on the body if one doesn’t go for the needle?
Home » Ask The Expert » Missed My Two Month Injection---Could I Be Pregnant?
Missed My Two Month Injection—Could I Be Pregnant?
Last Updated: July 12, 2024
Dear Nono,
The needle shots are given six times a year so the hormones prevent ovulation for two cycles per shot. Since the recommendation is every two months that would mean you could have a spontaneous ovulation if you didn’t get your next shot at the end of two cycles (or months). It is possible then that you will become pregnant without that needle shot.
There are often long-term side effects of a hormone contraception which can remain as long as a year in a woman’s body.
I would encourage you read as much as you can about the natural methods of family planning if you want your body to stay healthy and fertile for yourself and family. For teachers or doctors in your area you can try a Catholic Church, or in Nigeria Dr. Henrietta Williams henriettawilliams@hotmail.com who is a Natural Family Planning Medical Consultant there.
I hope this helps.
Judy Wilmurt
Answered By:
Judy Wilmurt
Judy Wilmurt, Professional Member of CANFP, and past member of the Executive Board, taught the Creighton Model FertilityCare System of NFP in the Oakland region, wherre she resides with her husband Eric.
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